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Dry skin conditions such as eczema can be tricky to manage, not to mention the dizzying number of products and the expensive treatments in the market. The good news is that you don't have to look further because natural ways and products are safe and don't break your banks! I'm happy to share how I helped my son with his eczema with you today. Let's dive right in!

Causes or Triggers of Dry Skin

First, it's important to identify the causes or triggers of your dry skin condition. Some of the triggers can be:

● Changes in season or certain weather conditions

● Certain types of food or drinks

● Artificial fragrances, dyes, and toxins in skincare products

● Soaps or detergents

● Stress and more!

Identifying triggers allows us to find the right way to relieve dry skin conditions.

Ways to Relieve Your Dry Skin Condition Naturally

1) Ditch harsh cleaners and exfoliants and switch to more gentle, hydrating products

One of the best decisions I ever made that improved my son's eczema was to switch to natural detergents. We also stopped using liquid fabric softeners such as Downy or Gain and dryer sheets; instead, we used all-natural and chemical-free wool dryer balls.

I realized that I didn't need these commercial products at all. Natural detergents and vinegar keep the clothes soft throughout washes. If you are worried about your fabric smelling like vinegar, take it from me: it does not smell like it!

Soap Nut Based Laundry Soap is a great place for you to start. Natural soap nuts also work great and are the most natural! You can boil soap nuts, strain them, and make a natural liquid washing soap as well! Add Vinegar for extra cleaning power and essential oil for scent (optional).

2) Switch to natural soap bars

Commercial products can cause irritation, allergic reaction, or dry out your skin because of its many ingredients, including preservatives and fragrances. This is why we switched to natural hand-made soap bars created with oils, butter, and glycerin that do not contain these harsh ingredients, strip natural oils and dry out our skin.

We have been using Oatmeal Milk & Honey Soap, and it's amazing! It's filled with organic coconut milk, shea butter, coconut oil, oatmeal, and other natural ingredients that help add and lock in our skin's moisture, keeping it healthy and glowing.

3) Eat plenty of foods rich in essential acids

What you eat or do not eat significantly affects your body, including your skin.

Experts suggest eating foods rich in essential acids such as avocados, and walnuts is important for maintaining skin health. Also, including in your diet lots of filtered water, green foods, and citrus fruits help give your skin a good glow.

Also, adding a vegan-based probiotic to balance gut bacteria has been known to help clear eczema from the inside out!

4) Apply natural moisturizers for dry skin especially those with natural oils

Dr. Christine Poblete-Lopez, MD, the Residency Program Director in the Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic provides a short answer to why use natural moisturizers instead of over-the-counter products: they tend to be "pure and are a better choice for many people."

Natural moisturizers are safer for the skin. So, I created Honey Butter, Naked Face & Body Cream, and Calendula Oil for skin care. They are made of purely organic herbs, butters, and oils that provide nutrients that nourish and protect the skin. One of my favorites as a natural moisturizer & bath soak is my Lavender & Chamomile Oatmeal Bath Potion. It soothes the skin and is very relaxing.

How to effectively apply your moisturizer:

● The best time to apply it is one to three minutes after taking a shower or bath.

● Gently pat dry your skin, and while it is still a little warm & damp, apply butter generously and massage it over your skin.

● This works great before bedtime.

Let your skin heal naturally

After turning to natural ways of treating dry skin conditions, especially for my son's eczema, I can say that it has been better!

These are ways that worked for us, and hopefully, these will help you too. You may not see changes right away, but if you stick to it consistently, your body and skin will heal naturally. If these ways do not work for you, better consult a trusted healthcare professional.

Do you have any questions or what ways worked for your dry skin condition? Drop them in the comment section!

Disclaimer The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this information. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is for educational purposes.


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